Why Detox?

The body stores foreign substances and toxins in its fatty deposits. In many cases, people may be carrying up to ten or more extra ounds of unhealthy mucus forming toxic waste.

If you are wondering why you are so tired, have PMS, digestive disorders, headaches, joint pains, bad breath, allergies, constipation, brittle nails, skin problems, poor memory, depression, insomnia, excess weight among many other symptoms, you are living in an increasingly toxic body.

In order to prevent adverse immune reactions, our body will do it best to protect itself from these toxins by trapping them in mucus or fat.

Answer the following questions to determine your need for a detox.

  1. Do you live in a city?
  2. Do you work in an office?
  3. Do you use a cell phone daily?
  4. Do you use a computer daily?
  5. Do you live near power lines, cell tower, power plants?
  6. Do you smoke cigarettes or other substances?
  7. Do you use recreational or prescription drugs or medications?
  8. Do you drink alcohol on a daily basis or binge drink?
  9. Do you live a sedentary lifestyle and exercise less than 2 days per week?
  10. Do you catch colds, flus and/or viruses more than 3x per year?
  11. Do you have low sex drive?
  12. Do you have joint pain?
  13. Do you have allergies?
  14. Do you have excess weight?
  15. Do you have constipation/IBS?
  16. Do you have mercury fillings in your mouth?
  17. Do you drink coffee, tap water, cow’s milk, carbonated sodas?
  18. Do you frequently eat any of the following: sugar, sweets, chocolates, bread, canned food, frozen foods, microwaved foods, fried foods, meats, cured lunch meats, cookies, cakes?
  19. Do you use white sugar or sugar substitute?
  20. Do you use white salt?

If you answered yes to more than 5 questions, then you are toxic and in need of our liver gallbladder detox and cleanse.

Call us at 847-397-2787 or email us at info@fitnessarts.org to learn more!