Sattahip STEP ONE:


Step One of the Easy 3-Step Bio Detoxification is focusing on reducing acute/chronic inflammation. This is accomplished by the following combined approach.

Common food allergens are removed from the diet. This is also a good time to realign your muscles and bones, especially the spine and restore the free flow of energy throughout the body. Special nutritional supplements are used to modify the inflammatory pathways.

This step lasts 7 days or more and is immediately followed by Step Two, which represents the detoxification period. It is very important to follow the principles of the diet as closely as possible.



Step one consists of a hypo-allergenic diet along with inflammation modulating supplements

            For acute conditions:

  • Intenzyme Forte
  • Bio-Allay

            For chronic condition:

  • Beta TCP
  • BromelainPlus CLA



  1. Foods that are most likely to cause allergy/sensitivity reactions have been eliminated from this diet. Do not make food substitutions.
  2. This diet is not designed to be a weight-loss program although most of our participants do lose weight. Calories are not the concern. Portions can be adjusted so you never have to feel hungry.
  3. There is flexibility within the daily menus provided. For example, if you are a large, active male, you may want to eat larger portions. If you have sensitivity or an aversion to some foods, you may choose substitutions from the lists provided.
  4. 4.  Starting Day 1 of the easy 3 step bio-detoxification program, take only the nutritional supplements listed above.
  5. Whenever possible, select organically grown fruits and vegetables to avoid exposure to toxins. All produce should be washed well to remove chemicals.
  6. Now is a perfect time to become familiar with your local health food store to locate any of the unfamiliar food listed in the diet. A health food store is also a good place to purchase organic foods.
  7. Remember that the foods which may cause sensitivity reactions are very often the foods you eat most frequently. Therefore, where food choices are offered during the program, try to select from these foods, and don’t eat the same foods day after day.

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Food to Avoid:

All gluten-containing foods including wheat, rye, oats and barley, which are commonly found in breads, pasta and other products from refined flour
The most common allergies are caused by this group of foods. By avoiding these foods for a few weeks, your system gets a chance to relax and clear itself out. You may not even know that you have an allergy to these foods because the symptoms may be subtle.

Alcohol, caffeine (coffee, black teas and sodas) and soy milk, soda and fruit drinks that are high in refined sugars
Both alcohol and caffeine are hard on the liver. So give your liver a vacation!

Pork, cold cuts, bacon, hot dogs, canned meat, sausage and shellfish
Meats, unless organic, are typically high in nasty ingredients such as estrogens, antibiotics and others typical of processed foods.

Tomato sauce (whole fresh tomatoes are OK)
Tomato sauce may contain common allergens that can contribute to pain and inflammation

All dairy (milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, etc.)
Dairy products are most likely to cause allergies and can increase pain. Stay away from creamy salad dressings (ranch, creamy garlic, etc.) as they contain dairy.

Foods high in fats and oil, including peanuts, refined oils, margarine and shortening
This diet was designed to lessen the burden placed on your system by eliminating many foods, including those high in fats and refined and processed oils

All refined sugar products (candy bars and other junk food)
Refined sugar slows the process of detoxification and weaken the immune system.

Any other foods not listed on these pages that you know you are allergic to
Give your healthcare practitioner a list of foods that you know you are allergic to.
