buy modafinil liverpool If you’ve been following me for some time, you know that I host seasonal detoxification and rejuvenation programs. This year I’ve partnered with Metabolic Management System to bring you the very best fall detox in the market. It’s easier to follow and complete. It’s also easy feel overwhelmed by all of this information on toxins and detoxing, the thing to do is slow down, but keep your goal in sight and take it one step at a time. We’ll start on October 1st. You can join me for 1 day, 1 week or even 1 month. You will benefit regardless of duration however, the longer your commitment to the program, the greater the benefit. It will be online and very interactive. You can join me on Fitness Arts Facebook page or Twitter page. if you don’t have Facebook or Twitter, you can follow along in the “detox” section of our Wellness Library, or we can email you daily.

Monterey This program encourages you to take a temporary or a permanent break from common habits such as the daily intake of sugar (refined sugar and high fructose corn syrups), dairy, white flour, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and chemically processed foods. It also encourages you to eliminate or at least reduce your use of chemically loaded beauty products and household cleansers.

To me, this is often the very first step in freeing yourself from your emotional connection with, and dependence on, certain items that do nothing but suppress your energy. All of these substances can affect your moods and vitality, both immediately and over time.

Who should detox:

  • Consistent overweight problems – This is the gateway to cases of cancer and many degenerative diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. There is also a higher tendency for toxins to be stored within the fats.
  • Headaches or migraine – Could be the result of inflammation around the head area.
  • Always feeling fatigue, brian fog, poor memory and/or tired – One of the most common symptoms of a highly toxic body.
  • Susceptibility to flus and colds – This is a clear reflection of a much weaker immune function and your body’s inability to fight bacteria and viruses well.
  • Constipation – Bad bowel movement encourages harmful bacteria accumulation around the colon area.
  • Digestive tract problems – Bloating, gas, indigestion and IBS are clear signs of a dysfunctional digestive system.
  • High cholesterol and high blood pressure – As the leading causes of heart diseases and stroke, it is important to establish a lifestyle change starting with a gentle and safe detoxification program to manage and control your heart health.
  • Diabetes – The world’s leading cause of kidney failure. It is also linked to heart disease such as high cholesterol and blood pressure problems. There is an alarming rate of growth in diabetes worldwide. The main reason starts from our high sugar diet and stressful lifestyle. A good detox program helps to retune our body system and reduce the effects of diabetes.
  • Allergies and sensitivities to foods and environment  – These problems are likely to be caused by low immune function and nutritional imbalances.
  • Regular and or high alcohol consumption – Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the liver as all alcohol is metabolized by your liver. Even social drinkers can suffer from alcoholic hepatitis. As the liver breaks down alcohol, by-products are formed, such as acetaldehyde, and some of them are more toxic to the body than alcohol itself. A good fall detox will restore healthy liver function.
  • Smokers – Overwhelming evidence show the toxins within cigarettes can lead to cell death and DNA transformation that are susceptible to attacks from cancer cells. There are currently about 4000 types of chemicals in a single cigarette. There is no doubt in the need to detox is exponentially increased for those who smoke.
  • Consumption of processed and refined food – These types of food contains no nutrition and loads of additives or preservatives. All these have to pass through your liver and be processed and detoxified.

Most of us need to detoxify and rejuvenate seasonally. We are bombarded by stress; physically, emotionally and intellectually. Most importantly, our health is our responsibility.we consume over 100 pounds of toxic chemicals every year though our environment as well as foods we consume. To restore and maintain your health, we need to clear away the many toxins we are absorbing daily. Our quality of life is determined by a healthy lifestyle. First step to owning a body that is functional and fit starts with an effective detoxification system. Make the commitment to yourself today to start your journey to your total health! Join me tomorrow. I will post the five pillars of health as well as the list of products involved in the fall detox.

I am committed to proving the very best Fall detoxification and rejuvenation program. I believe that you will be pleased with your results upon completion of this program. Please feel free to contact me at 847-397-2787 with any questions or concerns you may have.

-Mia Scheid