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Checking out your stool is one of the best ways to get a read on what’s going on inside of your guts. If you don’t see your stool, you are just guessing at what is coming out of your body. Following are three common but not very healthy poops:

  1. Sinkers: A sinking stool is an indication that you may not be eating enough fiber-rich foods or drinking enough water. The color is dark because the “sinkers” have been putrefying or rotting in the intestines for a prolonged period of time. Fitness Arts Fall Cleanse, Detoxification and Rejuvenation will jump start your colon to keep things moving.
  2. Floaters: These pale or clay-colored stools may mean that you may not be producing enough bile salts, which give stools the brownish color and help to break down fats. The “floaters” are oftentimes greasy, foul smelling and shiny because of the undigested fats. These stools can also stick to the side of the toilet bowl and may be difficult to flush. Taking extra bile salts such as Beta Plus along with Betaine Plus and Probiotics not only gets your digestive track on track but it also helps to metabolize fats. These digestive aids are available at Fitness Arts.
  3. Mucous stools: This is an indication that you have inflammation in the gut. This condition can be caused by many factors, including food sensitivities as well as yeast and parasites which our fall cleanse address. Please contact Fitness Arts for more information. If you would like a personal consultation, please call us at 847-397-2787 to schedule an appointment.

Check back with us daily for valuable information on maintaining your digestive health. Topics of discussion:

✓ Do you have parasites?

✓ How can you control yeast in your body?

✓ What are digestive aids and how do they work?

✓ What are probiotics and why is it so important to proper digestion?

✓ How do you know if you have food sensitivity?

✓ How does antibiotics effect your digestion?

✓ What is Hydrocolon Therapy and do I need it during my detox?

✓ And much more.