I can’t stress enough how important it is to cleanse your body and in order to keep it clean, you must eat clean foods. Yes, that means washing your fruits and veggies. I recommend that you wash them before you put them away. Not only does our food bath lengthens the life of the foods, the Fitness Arts Food Bath will kill off bacteria, fungus , and parasites that are in foods.

To make this solution, please follow these steps:

  1.  Use 1 teaspoon of Clorox to 1 gallon of purified, ozonated, and electrolyte enhanced (add 1 tsp of Polar Mins Liquid) water.
  2. Place the foods to be treated/bathed into the bath for the length of time designated in the chart below.
  • Leafy vegetables–15 minutes
  • Root, thick-skinned fruits, and fibrous vegetables–30 minutes
  • Thin-skinned fruits, including berries, plums, peaches and apricots–30 minutes
  • Thick-skinned fruits, including citrus, bananas, and apples
  • Poultry, fish, meat, and eggs
  1. Remove the food from the Food Bath; then place it in clear water for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Dry thoroughly and store.

Remember that we (Fitness Arts Staff) are here to facilitate your success. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to ask question, address concerns or schedule an appointment.

FAX: 847-303-1589
OFFICE: 847-397-2787