If you have completed the first week of this detox program, congratulations! You should be so proud of yourself as the first week in my opinion is the hardest to get through. You are well on your way to an amazing transformation this month. For those of you still thinking about starting this process, tomorrow would be great time to start!! Remember that it’s not where or when we start a journey. It’s where we finish.

http://kyleschen.com/tag/huntermadeit/ Daily To Do List:

Fort-de-France Weekdays: Monday – Friday

  1. Start by drinking a liter of water with ½ tsp of Pink Salt when you awake first thing in the morning.
  2. Drink 4 liters of water daily. I prepare these the night before

▪     1st liter of water is mixed with 1 tsp of Pink Salt and on my nightstand so I can have easy access upon arising.

▪     2nd liter is mixed with 2 tsp of Max Stress B to take with me to work so I can drink it throughout the day.

▪     3rd liter is mixed with ½ tsp of Pink Salt also to take with me to work so I can drink it throughout the day.

▪     4th liter is typically just pure water that I drink once I get home after work.

3.   Dry skin brush for 5-10 minutes before you shower

4.   Get plenty of sleep (minimum of 5 continuous hours between 11 pm & 5 am)

5.   20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise. I try to get a brisk walk in the morning. If I didn’t walk in the morning, I walk when I get home from work. I have a pair of walking shoes in my car just in case. My attitude and stress levels dramatically lower when I walk before walking into my house.

6.   Breathe in some fresh air and take a few minutes to reflect on your day as well as your progress. Be proud of your accomplishments! Look forward to how great you will look and feel at the end of this detoxification process.

7. Chart your progress

    • Weigh yourself upon rising and at bedtime.
    • If you have HBP, take your BP daily around the same time.
    • Duration of exercise.
    • Sleep: you should be getting 5 hours of continuous sleep without interruption.
    • First morning urine pH (optional).
    • Diary of foods and drinks consumed each day. 

Weekend: Saturdays and Sundays

Weekends can become tricky because we can be tempted away from the discipline of a detoxification. Let your family and friends know what you are doing and how important it is to you. If possible, eat all your meals at home. Have a couple of “go to” snacks pre-packaged for easy access such as washed and cut veggies, raw nuts and dried fruit mixes, and fresh fruits. When you awake in the morning, take a few minutes to plan your day in your mind about how you want to feel, how you want to relate to your family and friends, already being grateful for the day ahead of you and smiling at yourself for the time and energy you are dedicating to becoming healthy and fit.



  1. Repeat steps 1-7 on the weekday list.
  2. Make sure you have the necessary ingredients for the Sunday Mini Liver/Gallbladder Flush. The shopping list and instructions are available on our website. www.fitnessarts.org
  3. Before going to bed, set out your ingredients (olive oil, tomato juice, blender, straw. Optional: garlic, tumeric, magnesium) and set the alarm clock.


Sunday  Mini Liver/Gallbladder Flush  and Coffee Enema day

  1.  Repeat steps 1-7 on the weekday list.
  2. Arise early enough to do the flush. I typically get up before 6 am, go to my kitchen and blend the ingredients in the blender I set out the night before and drink with a straw. Then I go back to bed and sleep for a few hours. It’s important to note that if you eat or become too active, you will feel nauseous and/or ill. Few people develop detox symptoms. Check our website at www.fitnessarts.org for more information.
  3. Around mid-morning, do a coffee enema. Instructions are on our website.
  4. Take it easy today. Stay close to home as you may need to use the toilet.

A sample of today’s of meals:

Breakfast – meal replacement shake-mix in a small blender
 1/4 cup of nutrition powder (available from Fitness Arts)
 1tsp EFA Oil (available from Fitness Arts)
 1 tsp Flax Oil (available from Fitness Arts)
 3 drops D3 (available from Fitness Arts)
 1 TBS Aloe Arboressence or Raw Honey (available from Fitness Arts)
 1 cup almond milk or coconut water
 1/2 banana or ½ cup of berries
 Ice cubes

Lunch – green salad with avocado, grated raw/aged cheddar, vinaigrette

Snack (mid-afternoon) – meal replacement shake or fresh fruit or veggies


Week One: 2-3 cups of veggies-raw or steamed
 Week Two: add ½ cup of Buckwheat, Quinoa, or Brown Rice

An hour or so after dinner:

Herbal tea with a bit of raw honey to stave off sugar cravings



  1. Eating lightly is important for a strong detox. How lightly you eat depends on what sort of activities you need to do while you’re detoxing. If you’ll be doing a normal work and lifestyle schedule, you’ll want to eat more than if you are able to take it easier for a bit.
  2. Many of the foods we eat these days are processed, and therefore are difficult for the body to break down for use.
  3. They also often don’t contain adequate nutrition, which adds to the toxicity load when the body’s systems don’t have the building blocks and fuel they need to function optimally.
  4. While doing a detox, it’s best to cut out all processed foods (anything in a bag, box or can is out), which means that simpler foods, prepared simply, become the basis of your diet.
  5. The most important foods to avoid are sugar, flour products/baked goods, and anything processed/packaged (i.e. anything you don’t cook yourself – unless it’s a super high quality restaurant that you know has super clean food).
  6. It is not recommended to eat any meat, poultry, and dairy.
  7. If you can’t cut out caffeine, cut the amount down as much as possible, and quit soda altogether. If you drink coffee, switch to tea.

Foods to avoid while detoxing:

  • Salt
  • Alcohol
  • Tea/Coffee
  • Soft drinks
  • Baked goods (anything with flour: cookies, cake, crackers, bread, etc.)
  • Sugar (all sweets, i.e. HFCS, maltose, sucrose, fructose, maltodextrin, etc.)
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Chocolate
  • Chips (or any such snack food)
  • Dairy: Milk, cream, processed cheeses, butter/margarine
  • Meats
  • Any foods made with processed/heated oils


If you would like a program designed specifically for you, please contact us at Fitness Arts by calling 847-397-2787, or emai