You do not have to follow the detox the whole month. You can choose to do one or two days a week or the weekend. What ever you DO will do a great deal of good in restoring your health. Check out and click on the wellness library and you can access the one day detox. you could also juice once or twice a week. Ultimately, it’s about cleansing the liver and gallbladder near the end of March. You can abbreviate this cleanse as well by following the Alternative Liver/Gallbladder Flush also available on our Wellness Library. Just remember to eat healthy fresh foods. Stay away from food products that are packaged. My rule of thumb – 1) Don’t eat anything that comes in a bag, box or can. 2) Drink at least 4 liters of pure water every day. 3) Take a short (20-30 minute) exercise break every day. 4) get at least 5 continuous hours of sleep.

Naraura Your health determines how you view the future, how you handle the present and how you remember the past. Be kind and generous with yourself physically, spiritually, mentally,  and emotionally. Take deep breaths, laugh and smile a lot, eat healthy foods, love life…

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know. If you would like to address issues more privately, you can email me at


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