Do you need a probiotic?

Here are a few factors that cause intestinal overgrowth.

  1. Stress causes a change in the pH of the bowel, causing healthy bacteria to not proliferate as they should.
  2. Low fiber starves the gut of healthy bacteria.
  3. A sugar-laden/processed food diet feeds bad bacteria.
  4. Whether you take antibiotics, or if you consume commercially prepared (antibiotic tainted) meat, you are killing the good bacteria in your gut.
  5. Eating too fast will cause improper digestion and your body will not produce enough digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid to kill the bad bacteria naturally found in our food.

Probiotics are the cornerstone of good digestion.

We recommend Bio-Dolph 7 Plus. The dosage is simple, 2-4 capsules at bedtime with water.

Click here to learn more about Bio-Dolph 7 Plus.