The information provided here gives you a simple overview of the preparations involved in the start and finish of the Liver/Gallbladder Flush. This will be especially beneficial for those of you who have never done a Liver Gallbladder Flush or for those who have used other Liver  Gallbladder Flush protocols in the past with little success.

Uitenhage Caution: If you are chronically ill, have symptoms of gallbladder disease check with your health care practitioner before trying this program. The Liver/Gallbladder Flush is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing.  Do not proceed with this cleanse if you are feeling ill, have a fever, cold-like symptoms, or have not had a bowel movement in a few days.

The information provides a simple overview of the preparations involved before starting the Liver/Gallbladder Flush, goes into the specifics about the cleansing and detoxification routines that will be necessary afterward. This will be most beneficial for those who have never been through a Liver Flush or for those who have used other Liver Flush protocols in the past with little success

In preparation for the Liver/Gallbladder flush next weekend, please follow these instructions carefully. Liver/Gallbladder Flush is fairly easy to do, however, it is important to understand the process. Preparing your body for a major cleanse is imperative. Tomorrow begins the 5 day pre-cleanse protocol. The 6th day (Saturday) will be the Liver/Gallbladder Flush day where you will consume the olive oil, and the 7th day (Sunday) will be the day to eliminate the gallstones and bile sludge from your system. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!!

Chronic dehydration causes both gallstone and kidney stone formation.  If the liver is dehydrated it cannot produce sufficient bile necessary for digestion, and if the kidneys are dehydrated they cannot properly maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, regulate blood pressure, and adequately filter the blood. Chronic dehydration of these two organs by can cause severe imbalances within the body.  Remember, if you are dehydrated during this cleansing routine, your cells will not be able to adequately clear accumulated toxins. Instead of removing wastes, the cells and organs will accumulate more, and your efforts will be disappointing.


If you are chronically ill, recuperating from an illness, or dehydrated, it is not recommended to follow through with the Liver/Gallbladder Flush until you have restored adequate hydration. Start by increasing one liter of water more per day than you usually drink until you are drinking at least 4 liters.  If you are active and exercise regularly you will need to increase your water intake even more. Drinking alcohol and caffeine (especially coffee) is severely dehydrating for the body. For every cup of coffee you drink, your body loses approximately 3 cups of water. Drinking large amounts of caffeine and alcohol during the six day preparation will greatly minimize your results.


How Does the Liver/Gallbladder Flush Work?

Science behind a Liver/Gallbladder Flush.

You will be drinking lots of apple juice as it contains malic acid. Malic acid acts as a solvent to weaken adhesions and soften the gallstones in the bile ducts. Do not consume any fat and protein on the Flush day (Day 6). This will force the liver and gallbladder to retain a large volume of bile and build pressure within the bile ducts. The Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), also taken on the Flush Day (Day 6) are used to relax the smooth muscle and dilate the bile ducts. The salts also relax the colon and promote the bowels to flush. Right before bed you will take an Olive Oil drink, referred to as the Flush drink. The pressure from the overflow of bile from not eating protein or fat will be so strong, that the sudden influx of olive oil will stimulate a rapid surge of bile through the biliary tract, and push gallstones, stagnant bile, and toxins from the liver and gallbladder out through the common bile duct. While you sleep, you will literally be removing years worth of accumulated toxins. The next day, the gallstones and bile sludge will painlessly through the small and large intestine for easy evacuation.


Daily Bowel Movements

It is essential to keep your bowels moving for the next 6 days. the “once-a-day” bowel movement is not enough to fully clear the bowels. Whatever you ate yesterday, should be evacuated today. It’s that simple. In order to maximize your results with the Liver/Gallbladder Flush you must empty your colon everyday. In addition, completely clearing your bowels everyday for the 6 day prep will actually strengthen liver, gallbladder, and kidney function, which in turn, helps the liver and gallbladder to expel more gallstones. Lastly, a clean colon before the Liver Flush helps to avoid or minimize any discomfort or nausea that may arise during the actual Liver Flush. It will prevent back-flushing of the oil mixture or waste products from the intestinal tract into the stomach. Here are the recommendations for clearing the bowels daily:


1.  Coffee Enema – Coffee enemas facilitate clearing stagnant bile from the bile ducts. They are also helpful for clearing the lower bowels, and can induce a large bowel movement. If you feel that the use of coffee enemas is sufficient enough to keep your bowels clear, then just stick with this strategy for Days 1-5 (Not Day 6. Coffee Enema instructions are available here).

If you feel you need additional colon cleansing you may find that the following recommendations will be helpful.

2.  Colon Cleansing Formula– If you have already experienced success with the Intestinal Cleanse, you may want to consider taking Cleanse Blend for Days 1-3. You may take up to 1 tbsp. of Cleanse Blend twice a day ½ hour before meals. Make sure to take plenty of water after the Cleanse Blend. Click here to order Cleanse Blend.


3.  Salt Flush – Salt Water Flush is an excellent option especially if you have a sluggish colon in the morning. Click here for instructions.


4.  Colon Hydrotherapy – Colonics are one of the most effective ways to fully clear the bowels. Within a short period of time, a colonic can remove a large amount of trapped waste that has been collecting for years. If it is possible, try to do one or a few during the preparation phase, especially on Day 4.  Go to: or for a referral list of US and International Colon Therapists. Or call us at Fitness Arts 847-397-3787.


Overview of the Prep Days and the Actual Flush Day

The Essential Liver/Gallbladder Flush consists of 3-6 days of preparation where you will be drinking Apple juice and selected herbs to prepare your liver, followed by 1 day of actual cleansing. The Flush starts on Day 6, when you will take the Flush drink right before bed, and then continues through to the next day, where you will be “flushing” the gallstones. Ideally Days 6-7 should be reserved for the weekend or a time when you will have no distractions. You will be instructed to follow up a few days later with additional colon cleansing to ensure thorough removal of gallstones.

To simplify the procedures, separate instructions will be provided for Days 1-5, Day 6 and Day 7.


The Liver/Gallbladder Flush Kit

Here the components of the Liver/Gallbladder Flush Kit:

Apple juice diluted with water – You will drink diluted Apple Juice as it contains malic acid every day during the 3-6 day prep.


  • Apple Juice/Malic acid: Apple juice is commonly used in liver flush protocols because of its high malic acid content. It softens gallstones that are adhered to the bile ducts, making it easy for gallstones to exit the liver after the Flush drink. Drinking large amounts of Apple Juice due to the malic acid may cause a cleansing effect, so do not be alarmed if you experience a little diarrhea and/or bloating. It should subside within a day or two. Also, you can pair the apple juice with our Black Cherry Rejuvenate (now called Cherry Elixade). This black cherry concentrate helps nourish and boost kidney function- an added benefit for the Liver Flush. Instructions will be provided for how much to take everyday.
  • Gallbladder Clear – Gallbladder Clear is a gentle formula that contains Gold Coin Grass, Butterbur Root and Gentian Root which help clear and decongest “stone sludge” from the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. These herbs also help to clear sludge from the kidneys.
  • Gallbladder ND – Gallbladder Nano-Detox contains nanized Gold Coin Grass which is helpful in softening gallstones and cleansing the bile ducts. It also supports healthy bile flow and promotes gallbladder function for optimal performance during the liver flush. This is still helpful for those without a gallbladder because the bile veins are attached to the common bile duct and the gallbladder meridian still remains.
  • Coffee enemas – As mentioned in “Preparing for the Essential Liver/Gallbladder Flush,” coffee enemas are extremely effective at clearing stagnant bile from the liver and gallbladder, which in turn helps the malic acid to get in and soften the stones more effectively. Therefore, these enemas are an integral part of the preparation.
  • Castor Oil Packs – Castor Packs are an effective tool for removing toxins and opening circulation to the lymphatic system. A castor pack will be used over the liver after taking the Flush Drink on Day 6, and used over the kidneys on Day 7. Although optional, castor packing the kidneys, abdomen and liver during Days 1-5 of the prep or after the Flush will help to promote lymphatic purification and strengthen the detox pathways in the body.
  • Pink Salt with Lemon – Pink Salt taken with lemon and a little water will stimulate gentle purging of the gallbladder, and the gastrocolic reflex to induce a bowel movement. It also gently stimulates the adrenals.


Items you will need for Days 1-5

  • Essential Liver/Gallbladder Flush Kit
  • 5 lemons – one each for Days 1-5
  • Glass mason jar with a lid
  • Heating pad or a Hot Water Bottle if you decide to Castor Packs during Days 1-5
  • Optional Items:

Gallbladder Complex – This formula is designed to keep the gallbladder dilated and bile flowing more efficiently. It may also be used on Days 1-5, but not on Day 6. (If you already have gallbladder issues, it is recommended to take this complex in between Liver Flushes.)


Liver Nano-Detox – This formula contains nanized turmeric, milk thistle and guggul for optimal liver support, detoxification and rejuvenation. (May be taken during Days 1-5, not Day 6, and after the Flush.)


Liver Complex – A synergistic blend of phytonutrients, including milk thistle, Pau D’Arco, and Turmeric for liver detoxification and support. (May be taken during Days 1-5, not Day 6, and after the Flush.)


Reishi – An excellent herb to advance phase I and phase II liver detoxification. It helps the liver to accelerate its clearance of chemical toxins, helps to produce bile and fatty acid synthesis more efficiently, and promotes faster detoxification. (Reishi can be taken any time before or after the Liver/Gallbladder Flush, including Day 6. This is the only other supplement recommended for Day 6.)


Limonene Complex – Studies show that the natural solvent property of limonene (whole orange peel concentrate) helps to effectively dissolve gallstones in people. The maximum total oral dose in these studies was approximately one fluid ounce delivered over several doses. This may be too much for individuals at first. Our recommendation is to take 1-3 drops in 4 oz of water after your main meals. Do this for Days 1-5, but not on Day 6.


Instructions for Days 1-5

1.  Lemon & Pink Salt – First thing in the morning drink a 3 oz. glass of room temperature, purified water with the juice of 1 lemon and ¼ teaspoon of Pink Salt. Drink a second glass of water within 10 minutes. It is important to do this before taking supplements and eating breakfast, because the 2nd glass of water hydrates you and clears internal toxins in the colon.

2.  Apple Juice– Mix 24 oz of apple juice and 3-5 tbsp. of Black Cherry Rejuvenate (Cherry Elixade) into 24 oz. purified water in a large mason jars or other container. Shake well and drink it throughout the day. Wait at least 1 hour after meals before drinking it, and try to finish before dinner.

3.  Gallbladder Clear –Take 5 capsules three times a day with meals. Your total daily amount to take is 15 capsules.

4.  Gallbladder Nano-Detox – Take 2 tsp. in 3 oz. of water 1-2 hours before bed. If you are over 200 lbs. take 3 tsp. in 3 oz. of water. Sip and swish slowly.

5.  Avoid taking medication – If at all possible avoid medication (consult your physician or healthcare provider) or other supplements that are not ABSOLUTELY necessary for this entire week. It is important not to give the liver any extra work that may interfere with its cleansing efforts. (The exception is the Kidney Cleanse, Intestinal Cleanse, or other Liver/Gallbladder nutrients already mentioned.)

6.  Coffee Enemas – Make sure you take at least 3 coffee enemas during Days 1-5 (you may take one every day if you like). The enemas will also help to empty the bowels, especially when taken after dinner.

7.  Clear your bowels daily – Another gentle reminder to do your best to empty your colon every day!  Do a Salt Flush, warm-water enema, or another coffee enema if you feel you have not completely evacuated your colon.

8.  Stay Hydrated! – Since you will be consuming more liquids than normal, it is easy to forget about drinking water. Make it a special point to get in at least 4 liters of water every day. (If you are active or exercise regularly, you will need to take in more.)

9.  Dietary Recommendations – For this entire week stick to a whole foods diet as much as possible. Strive to eliminate all animal protein, dairy, fried foods, and processed, sugary foods. It is best to keep your meals light and avoid overeating. Try to take your last meal before 7 p.m. Avoid alcohol and all recreational drugs.

10.  Castor Oil Packs (optional) – If time permits, it is recommended to use a castor pack for each main detox organ. You can pack the kidneys, abdomen (colon) and Liver on separate days.  A castor pack is required for the Liver on Day 6 after you take the Flush Drink.


Day 6 – The Flush Day

Items you’ll need for today are:

  • Apple Juice (24 oz. to mix with water. About 2:1 or 3:1)
  • Epsom Salts  – 5 tablespoons (Epsom salts can be found in drug stores and most health food stores)
  • Premier Olive Oil – ½ cup (available at fitness arts)
  • Gallbladder Clear – 15 capsules (available at fitness arts)
  • 2 pint jars with lids or similar
  • 2 Grapefruits – enough for ¾ cup or 6 oz. freshly squeezed juice. You may also use oranges and lemons if you cannot tolerate grapefruit.
  • 1 lemon for Epsom salts drink
  • 1 orange (optional)
  • Castor Pack, heating pad or hot water bottle, plastic bag, old towel or sheet
  • 2-3 quarts freshly juiced, organic apples (optional for those who choose to fast today)
  • Betaine HCL (optional) – Excellent to take with the Flush Drink to avoid nausea.

Please check our website for more… or call us at 847-397-2787