Abbiategrasso Plant crops are considered organic when they are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers or sewage sludge… and are not genetically engineered or irradiated to combat bacteria and insects. The cost more than their nonorganic counterparts.

Greenburgh The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit research organization, has developed a list of the 12 conventionally farmed fruits and vegetables most laden with pesticides. Organic is well worth the price for these–APPLES, BELL PEPPERS, CARROTS, CELERY, CHERRIES, GRAPES, KALE, LETTUCE, NECTARINES, PEACHES, PEARS AND STRAWBERRIES.

If you do not buy a nonorganic food from this “dirty dozen,” wash it thoroughly before eating. Also discard the outermost leaves of leafy vegetables, such as lettuce, especially with nonorganic produce.

EWG has also determined which conventionally farmed foods usually are low in pesticide residue. To save money, you can skip organic versions of these–ASPARAGUS, AVOCADO, BROCCOLI, CABBAGE, EGGPLANT, KIWIFRUIT, MANGO, ONION, PAPAYA, PINEAPPLE, SWEET CORN, SWEET PEAS, SWEET POTATO, TOMATO AND WATERMELON.

HELPFUL: To print a wallet card of these lists, go to Or just remember this rule of thumb–if you eat the skin (like an apple), buy organi. If you peel the skin (like an onion), conventional is okay. Not all of EWG’s recommendations fit this guideline, but most do.

Happy informed shopping!