Dry skin brushing is a powerful addition to your daily routine and only requires a few minutes that immediately produces results you can see and feel! Daily dry skin brushing removes the top layer of dead skin with its buildup of dirt and acid and it deeply cleanses the skin safely and effectively. Unlike soup, which can be toxic and dehydrating, dry skin brushing stimulates the oil-producing glands and assists the body’s own moisturizing process. Dry skin brushing is one of the best ways to clean the skin without removing the protective mantle of acid and oils. Soap can change the pH balance of the skin and the chemicals and synthetic perfumes contained in them are absorbed through the pores 70% faster into the bloodstream than if ingested by mouth.

Fitness Arts recommend dry skin brushing as part of any cleanse and detoxification program to open up the pores of the skin and to clean out the lymphatic system. The skin is the largest organ of elimination and plays a vital role in eliminating the body of toxins and impurities that can cause chronic illness. Additionally, dry skin brushing increases blood circulation in all underlying organs and tissues.

The best time to dry skin brush is right before your shower or bath. Brush the skin when dry as it can cause irritation if it is used wet. Use only organic Sesame Oil or Coconut Oil as a moisturizer. Not only will your skin feel baby soft, it is known as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. Additionally, it restores the skin after sun exposure.

All products listed above are available at Fitness Arts. To order, please call 847-397-2787 or email: info@fitnessarts.org.